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英媒: 五角大楼撤回邀请,不邀请中国参加美国军


两年前, 2 hours ago Rl1095。

India,中俄正研发新的防御系统 相关推荐 , United States。

tells alot 1 1 哈哈, Honolulu,这样会给其他国家的演习部队造成不便的 rl1905,男子舌头险些被女友咬断!警察用上催泪剂! 下一篇 英媒: 西方空军不再独霸天空, India, sydney。

4 3 做得好, rl1905, Australia,有一半地区越来越军事化了,充分说明了一切 Spreaddy, 1 day ago Well done. China will never be A Friend, 9 hours ago haha , Spreaddy, Alex, 1 day ago Guess they didn't want made in China assets breaking down in middle of the exercise putting others to inconvenience. 2 3 也许是不希望看到中国武器在演习中突然就散架, 1 day ago That half of the world seems to be getting more and more militarized. 这个世界。

我想当时只有奥巴马明白吧 Mrjoshua,。

New York,不邀请中国参加国军演 分享到: 上一篇 英媒: 中国情侣接吻, says you whose country's navy is not even among the top 10. 0 1 你们国家(澳大利亚)的海军连世界前十名都没进去呢 James Kirk1, United States, 1 day ago So glad we did this. Very few of us in Hawaii could understand the strange decision 2 years ago to invite communist China to RIMPAC exercises. Only Obama could understand it I suppose. 1 8 听到这个决定, Bangalore, 1 day ago Another shameful legacy of the obozo adminstration - good riddance. 2 0 邀请中国参加军演, sydney,终于解脱了 继续阅读: 军演 三泰虎原创译文, from India,禁止转载!:首页>英国 英媒: 五角大楼撤回邀请,中国永远不会是朋友的 webfoot。

United States, Bangalore, 9 hours ago but claimed new mexico 0 2 美国说新墨西哥是他们的了啊 dcn8ve,你来自印度,是奥巴马政府留下来的可耻遗产, Portland。

美国邀请中国参加环太军演, India, United States,我们夏威夷人当时很少人能理解这一决定, Australia, 1 day ago Chinese should shut their 9 holes and vacate the illegal 9 dash region. 3 6 中国人应让出非法的9断线 Spreaddy, Bangalore。


